Sigma Software
No matter how sophisticated the hardware, a seismic recorder is only as flexible as its software allows it to be. This is especially true with cableless continuous record systems. Sigma hardware provides multiple options for planning, deployment, system timing, QC and status monitoring via an integrated mesh radio network, data retrieval (real time or via a variety of harvesting methods), data and report output, and source control. Sigma also offers a wider range of applications in active, passive and micro-seismic recording than any other system. Therefore, Sigma comes complete with ALL the software to cope. iSeis's Sigma Observer runs under MS-Windows and represents the most sophisticated, fully featured and user-friendly software of any system - cable or cableless. It covers everything from SPS/SEGP1 input to SEGD/SEGY output. It provides as many options for remote control of ground equipment as any cable system, while enabling QC/status monitoring and full data return as deployed equipment allows. The complete Sigma Observer software suite is provided with every Sigma system. It comes at a cost significantly below that of its competitors and hides no nasty surprises in annual support or licence fees. Combined with source control and monitoring software from Seismic Source Company, no other package even comes close. The latest enhancement to Sigma Observer is the ability to use GoolgeEarth kml files, which not only allows detailed survey planning but also lets the observer monitor operations (for sources and receivers) in the most comprehensible way. |